NIU Shooting

Posted on February 15, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized |

I read about the incident this morning.
Please pray for all concerned.

Shooting Victim Dies At Rockford Hospital Posted: 11:21 PM Feb 14, 2008Last Updated: 11:30 PM Feb 14, 2008 The gunman who opened fire on a packed classroom at Northern Illinois University classroom killed six people before committing suicide, a coroner said Friday. Investigators and school officials did not immediately know what motivated him to fire indiscriminately into the crowd with a shotgun and two handguns Thursday, sending panicked students fleeing for the exits. He also wounded 15 people, and at least two remained hospitalized in critical condition. One of the wounded was the teacher, a graduate student, who was expected to recover. “We have no motive and I have no way of knowing what the motive was,” University Police Chief Donald Grady said. DeKalb County Coroner Dennis J. Miller on Friday released the identities of the four victims who died in his county. They were: Daniel Parmenter, 20, of Westchester; Catalina Garcia, 20, of Cicero; Ryanne Mace, 19, of Carpentersville; and Julianna Gehant, 32, of Meridan. He said the gunman’s name is not yet being released. Two other victims died after being transferred to hospitals in other counties, Miller said in a news release. Winnebago County Coroner Sue Fiduccia on Friday said a female victim died in that county but has not been identified pending notification of family. The victim had multiple gunshot wounds and came from OSF St. Anthony Medical Center in Rockford. An autopsy was planned for later Friday, Fiduccia said.

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